I am not one to update my Facebook statuses often. I try not to overshare. But, when it comes to good news and my little family, I make the exception. So, as soon as I found out I was (finally) pregnant, I started imagining my Facebook status:
- Expecting
- Thrilled to announce that we are expecting baby number two.
When I found out that we were having twins, something I had wished for, I revisited the possible updates: Expecting x 2.
That was my favourite, the one I planned on using to share our happy news. I thought it was a bit vague and that it might be fun - would people assume that I was simply expecting a second child, or would they know it meant there were twins on the way? Either way, sharing such exciting news was bound to be fun. We even planned a photo shoot to announce the pregnancy - maybe I would just change my profile picture and let the excitement start that way.
I never got around to announcing the pregnancy on Facebook even though I passed the three month mark. In part, because I had some spotting about which I felt nervous and in part because there were some people that I still wanted to tell in person. Now I am glad I never told my Facebook world.
These days I still imagine posts, but I doubt that I would ever put them up. My story changed, it became bleak. The doctors have all given the pregnancy and my babies "dismal" and "grim" outlooks. My imagined statuses, naturally, have become dark:
- I cry at night while my husband sleeps next to me
- I tell them that I love them but am frightened by how true it is
- I need to predict the future
- Please God, or higher power, or mother nature, let us be among the select lucky ones.
Today's status: A blog for me and my tears.
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