Tuesday, September 10, 2013

pPROM Symptom Update

Just in the spirit of keeping a record of progress, I thought I would write this.

Today I am 18w5d pregnant. I will have my next doctor's appointment on Thursday, when I am exactly 19 weeks pregnant - 4 weeks post pPROM. I will be seeing a new doctor who I am hoping has more experience in the area, and maybe even willing to be somewhat hopeful, or at the very least supportive of my "ill-informed decision" to continue my pregnancy.

I have noticed for the first time that I am at times retaining fluid for Baby A. Basically, I noticed that I was not leaking for a couple of evenings, whereas normally I lose it all as the baby produces it. Then, after two days, I had a much more significant gush. I noticed that during those two days I felt a lot more of the fluttering type movements in my lower abdomen, which leads me to believe that little Baby A might have had enough space to move around for a moment or two. I do not know if this is attributable to bed rest or the current positioning of baby, but episodes like that are so needed if this baby is ever going to have a chance.

Baby B is a mover and a shaker. I've noticed that this Baby does bigger movements, during which I can really feel hard lumps - maybe a bum or a back pressing against the outer wall of the uterus? The placentas are on the outer wall, so the doctors have previously noted that this would impede sensation of lighter movements.

I am currently taking Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Acidophilus, pre-natal vitamins and drinking as much water as I can. I stay in a sitting or semi-reclined position for most of the day and am starting to incorporate some stretches into my daily routine in hopes of relieving some discomfort.

I think that's it. No infection (yet), no labour symptoms (yet). One more day with my babies is almost over.

Fingers crossed.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Nancy,

    I've read over your blog and boy does it ever bring back memories (sad distressing memories mostly!) However, I'm keeping all my fingers and toes crossed that you have a good outcome and that at least one (but hopefully both!!!) babies continue to do well.

    I think you are correct that baby A is probably building up fluid if you are feeling him/her move. I remember that feeling very distinctly with Kaia. I would have periods of time where I could feel her move quite a bit, and then I would lose a bunch of fluid and couldn't feel her move as much.

    Good luck. I'm thinking about you often. Keep on keeping on!
